
Sample Event

Join us on sample date

Participant Leaderboard
Check out the participant fundraising leaderboard to see your fundraising progress and how you rank against your competitors.
Team Leaderboard
Check out the team fundraising leaderboard to see how your team stacks up against the competition.
Fundraising Tips
Whether you are an MLSE Team Up Challenge veteran or a first time participant, we provide all the tools you need to ensure you meet and surpass your fundraising goals. 
Fundraising Incentives
Fundraising incentives are a special perk we offer to participants thank them for all of their hard work fundraising! Incentives can include autographed team merchandise, tickets to Leafs, Raptors, Toronto FC and Argos games, playoff tickets, special offers and unique opportunities. 
Celebrity Draft
Similar to any sports draft, your team has the opportunity to draft an MLSE celebrity onto your MLSE Team Up Challenge team as an honourary coach for a portion of the day. 
Equipment, Rules & Competition
Please make sure to read this information carefully to ensure you and your team members have everything you need to be victorious on Game Day.